Youth Ministry

This fall and spring our youth ministry will be offering the opportunity for youth to learn about the faith with an option to prepare for confirmation with the bishop next June. Beginning on October 23, we will be using the world-famous Alpha Course, which has a special curriculum designed for youth and the questions they often have about God, faith, and the church. Lunch will be provided beginning at 11:30am and the course will run until 1:30 pm each week. Youth Alpha dates until the end of the year are October 23, November 6, 20, and December 4, 18, and continuing bi-weekly until March. If you are interested in joining this class or have any questions, please let Esther know at estherl@stpaulsonthehill.com
St. Paul's on-the-Hill Children & Youth Ministry Registration 2022-23
Parents: Please fill out this form carefully for each child who will be attending a children or youth program at
St. Paul's on-the-Hill this year. This information will be stored securely and used to provide a safe and rewarding experience for children and youth at our church.
All the information you provide will be kept in the strictest confidence.
Click here for registration - https://forms.office.com/r/cwh9Jm3zza
St. Paul's on-the-Hill Children & Youth Ministry Registration 2022-23
Parents: Please fill out this form carefully for each child who will be attending a children or youth program at
St. Paul's on-the-Hill this year. This information will be stored securely and used to provide a safe and rewarding experience for children and youth at our church.
All the information you provide will be kept in the strictest confidence.
Click here for registration - https://forms.office.com/r/cwh9Jm3zza

This fall we will be offering many opportunities for youth to serve, lead, pray, and grow. We are now looking for youth group members (grades 7-12) to join the altar servers team and the youth band.
If you are interested, please contact Esther at estherl@stpaulsonthehill.com for more information.

SPOTH Youth Needs You! The youth at our church and in our community need you! There are a number of ways you can help out. We need people to...
- disciple youth, by helping to facilitate our Youth Alpha series and other Bible studies throughout the year.
- gather on a regular basis for prayer as we seek the Lord’s help in this ministry.
- develop relationships with the youth, and check-in with them from time to time
We also need practical help: people willing to...
- prepare simple meals for Youth Alpha
- help with fitting and laundering gowns for the servers
- help with mentorship and tech with the youth band
- accompany Matthew on visits to youth and families
- serve as chaperones for fun outings in the community.
If you feel called to serve, please reach out to estherl@stpaulsonthehill.com.